Well, I bought RE5 on Friday and I've played it a few hours each day (except Sunday.) I played it in the easiest mode and struggled with some of the bosses, but in the end, I finished it! I breezed through the game without any tears (unlike RE: Code Veronica or RE: Umbrella Chronicles...)

So, after all the hype and waiting was it worth it? I'd say a slightly hesitant "yes".... Great looking, very playable, forgiving save system and weapon/ammo supply, excellent use of cut-scenes, great musical score etc, it was an excellent experience all the way.
I knew it was going to rely heavily on the gameplay mechanic of Resident Evil 4, but didn't realise how much... At times it felt like the same game... but as RE4 is one of the bst video games ever, that's no bad thing! The new weapon selection/resource management, having to be accessed in-game 'real time', as opposed to the luxury of the last game's system, can be hard to manage- (although the enemies, right up to the final boss, seem to give you plenty of time to prepare your weapon.) The save system is better and checkpoints frequent.

I did begin to panic at the amount of time it was taking me to beat the final boss, and resorted to restarting Chapter 6. I wondered if the arsenal I had, packed enough punch to finish the boss.
That old nagging doubt, seeded by my lack of success in RE:CV and RE:UC...
The surprises weren't very surprising, but like Umbrella Chronicles before it, the game tied up some story strands nicely. I wouldn't say it was a massive upgrade in technical terms from RE4 or Umbrella Chronicles, which IMHO looked almost as good and play equally well. But on the whole, I've loved RE5 as much as I knew I would.
I liked having Sheva as my AI companion. Her importance as a partner becomes fully apparent in the final boss battle. The fun will now come from Mercenaries Mode, playing online co-op (something I've yet to experience properly, my online escapades being restricted to SCIV, VF5, and Sega Rally) and waiting to see what the DLC is like!

Having seen Dead Rising tailored to the technical capabilities of the Wii as "Chop Till You Drop", I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom don't bring out a 'Wii edition' of the game at some time in the future. Certain levels and scenarios would have played well with a Wii-type control system. RE5 delivers what was expected, I just don't know if all the hype and long waiting were that necessary!
So what next? I think that might just be RE:Code Veronica again, or maybe the Umbrella Chronicles...

I'm hoping they don't do a port to the Wii. Porting from the Gamecube or PS2 is one thing, but I think Dead Rising proved to us that porting from the 360/PS3 might not be a good idea.
But what do I know. Dead Rising: CTYD will probably sell shit loads, and that will entice Capcom to do a port anyway.
As far as the game goes, I'm towards the end now, and I'm thinking I might finish it tonight, if I'm up to it. If not tonight, then definitely tomorrow. And then, as you said, we can compare notes! :)
Which reminds me I actually have to properly play RE4 on the Wii. I hear it's as good as ports get...
It's better than RE5 dear Gnome! Whilst you're out shopping, may I also suggest Umbrella Chronicles and the Gamecube remake of Resident Evil 1?
I rather like the idea of an RE5 Wii edition Junlee... The porting of RE4 to the Wii was a stroke of genius...
The RE4 port was so successful because the hardware they were porting it from was pretty similar in terms of hardware capabilities, with the Wii being a little bit more powerful. But with this, and with what happened to Dead Rising, it would be an obvious downgrade.
I wouldn't be surprised if it happened though. But I'm sure you've heard about the new on-rails RE game for the Wii?!
Ah Yes! The Darkside Chronicles? Sounds sublime! I was reading about it the other day... Splendid!
Yeah, I'm going to have to check it out. But FIRST, I still need to play UC.
Just beat the game. It was damn good, but not amazingly awesome or anything. There definitely isn't that first time awesome experience that you got with RE4 because, well, it plays pretty much exactly like RE4.
I'll try to get a review up sometime soon. I don't know if I'll be about to do an iJun on it or not! :P It might just be a regular ole' text or audio review.
Oh, but I've already enjoyed tons of Umbrella Chronicles hours... Excellent on-rails shooter really, especially when played with a friend. The GC sounds most intriguing too dear Father. I'll try to find a copy...
That was quick! For both of you! O_O
I'm yet to try it. My 360 has giving me only headaches lately, but, after opening it up twice and tinkering with the motherboard (particularly the memory chips) it's looking good. Gonna spend the whole afternoon playing on it to see if it's really fixed or not.
Code Veronica made you cry. After knowing that, you made me laugh. RE 2 is still the best. RE 5 is great but a tad better than RE 4. I disliked the escort missions in RE 4. It was a pain protecting Ashley. At least with RE 5, Sheva can defend herself to a certain extent.
By the way, I have fallen in love with Excella Gionne. She is a hot piece of ass.
"By the way, I have fallen in love with Excella Gionne. She is a hot piece of ass."
LOL! I heartily concur, although Sheva looks pretty hot in her 'tribal' bikini thing...
Excella's got them fun bags though!!
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