Well this is supposed to be the Wii-kly Sermons isn't it? I've shared my thoughts on the 360 (Bioshock and Gears Of War), the PS2 (God Of War) music and films this year, but have I mentioned the Wii? No...

You see me and the Wii fell out, around the time I got the Wii Zapper whilst it was great for playing Link's Crossbow Training (which even got Mrs. K hooked...) it was diabolical for playing Umbrella Chronicles... Using the Zapper made shooting and QTEs very unrewarding, and thus progress was difficult. I stalled on the game, started playing the PS2 and then forgot about the Wii when the 360 entered the house...

Then I got down right cranky about Umbrella Chronicles, gave it a couple of re-tries and then decided I might even trade it in, and I hadn't even finished the second level.
Then I tried it co-op with my best friend, but then made the mistake of BOTH using the Zapper!

it was fun until we had to shake them about for a QTE and then that was it! They didn't respond, I 'spat my dummy' (an old English phrase meaning I spat out my pacifier in a tantrum) and that was it! Both the Wii and Umbrella Chronicles were finished for me! Harumph!
However, flushed with the success of beating Gears, I decided to give UC another try using the Wiimote and Nunchuck. TADA!!!! Revelation!!!! I've completed two levels and two sub-levels in two nights! As well as playing through the original Resident Evil level, I've unlocked two secret wesker levels that I kicked ass on as well.

Those of you who are aware of my gaming tendencies will know a few facts... I love Resident Evil. It makes me cry tears of rage at really difficult points. I'm a fickle bastard.
So now you'll be unsurprised to know I've come full circle and Umbrella Chronicles is now my new favourite game! the controls are just right, the unlockables and cut scenes fill in a lot of the blanks in the Umbrella Chronicles. The graphics are fabulous and one in the eye for anyone who says the Wii's capabilities are sub-par. I see them as good as Gears or Bioshock... (but then again aren't God Of War's???)
I won't offer any proper sort of review... many people have already done a better job (including J's excellent review.)

I'll just offer the usual screenshots and video, plus the following lovely links! I love you Nintendo Wii! I love you Umbrella Chronicles! I love you world!!!
How many times have you beaten this game?
*reads post*
You sure are a funny one father! lol
Now that you mention it, it's rather funny that you named your blog "Wii-kly" when in fact you talk so much about the Wii as you talk about everything else :P
Anyway, I'm happy to see that you've found the wonders of the Wii once again. Just don't forget about the Dreamcast...or the Saturn...or the 360...
Oh, sweet irony.
So the rumours were true dear Father... the zapper is as pointless a peripheral as they get. Lovely. On to grab UC then.
I've not beaten the game yet, though I intend to put some serious time into it this weekend Funnyman...
As 'funny' as they get Junlee! :)
Yes I intend to devote more time to the Wii and explore some of it's newer releases dear Nebacha.
Ghost Squad, Sega Superstars Tennis, House Of The Dead Returns and No More Heroes being top of my wish list!
Rest assured my other consoles will never remain unplayed...
I believe the Zapper has it's uses on other games dear Gnome. I'll give it a whirl on Ghost Squad and if that proves fruitless, I'll abandon it! It is good for Link's Crossbow Training which comes 'free' with it, so it wasn't a total waste of money...
I do hope you pick UC up Gnome it is rather brilliant...
I still haven't played UC. I'm not quite sure what I'm waiting for, maybe for it to drop to $20? lol
I'm too preoccupied with Brawl at the moment anyway. But I need to make sure I play it sometime, since you're blowing it up over here, lol!
This is off topic, but I have to get this off my chest. That youtube video you posted up about the final boss in Gears of War has a bug. He is not supposed to stand there like an ass. He should be running all over the place. I am unsure as to how that glitch made the final edition of the game; however, it looks like the person playing that game imported it from another country.
For now I think I'll try and pick some syphilis really...
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