Friday, January 18, 2008

World Of Warcraft Dance Off!

The pioneer of online gaming in the Krishna household, littlest Ginger, Ted has been strangely influenced by his Greek Uncle, erm... Gnome...

He is currently obsessed by World Of Warcraft, Guild Wars and even Warhammer! None of this has come from my influence, and the only other being I know who is into all that Orc-ish stuff is Mr. Gnome... Go figure! One of the more endearing features of this online odyssey, is those fun-filled developers at Blizzard thought it would be cute to have their orcs, elves, gnomes etc, emote, gesture and even dance...

Anyway, whilst browsing for WOW stuff on Youtube, little Ted uncovered this absolute classic! Watch and enjoy!!


The Sports Satirist said...

I wish I had parachute pants.

gnome said...

Absolutely brilliant, hilarious and obviously a work of love. I mean the hours gone into this must have been... well, many!

Oh, and finally I've found my lost English nephew! Lovely. Thank you Father....

fatherkrishna said...

And I for one would pay good money to see you doing a Hammer routine in them, dear Funnyman! LOL!

Yep! He's officially yours now Gnome... Don't feed him after dark and avoid sunlight, he's ginger you know...

NebachadnezzaR said...

No undead dance, damn!

Other than that, nice vid! I knew all the dances in WoW were inspired by real life counterparts, but I had no idea they were so accurate.

The Sports Satirist said...

It is a damn shame that so many people took advantage of him. He was and still is such a nice guy.

fatherkrishna said...

Why thank you Nebacha! They are rather good aren't they?

You mean people like Shug Knight?
He kinda ripped hammer off big time... But things turned out OK for him. He works for God now. :)

The Sports Satirist said...

The reason Hammer lost a great deal of money was because of people who claimed to be his friends but really weren't. They were just using Hammer for the money. I suppose Hammer is partly responsible, but I still blame Hammers friends.

Random J said...

I feel for Ted. He's started on the slippery slope of World of warcraft...

The Gamer's Utopia said...

Haha, I like to watch those dance videos, they remind me of my MMO days...way back when...

gnome said...

Uhm... Father... he bit me you know. Yes. Really. Here, look. I'm bloody bleeding!


fatherkrishna said...

Teds WOW thru and thru J... There's no stopping him now... He even tried to learn Norwegian for a day (including the word f**k!) so he could join a Norwegian guild!

Gamer's Utopia great to see you here!

fatherkrishna said...

Gnome! He bit you? He's supposed to be a vegetarian! My deepest apologies! *Cuffs Ted on back of ginger head...*