The Neverending Betrayal at House on the Hill
With the release of the Widow's Walk expansion I and my beloved boardgaming
(also, you know, proper) friends decided to return to *Betrayal at House on
8 years ago
What a coincidence, I just started playing Bioshock today! I've been craving for it ever since I played the demo, but I was short on money so I just bought it now.
Gonna write something about it on my blog, pass by anytime!
Great game and a strong contender for game of the year. I remember pulverizing all of the little girls in that game when I saw them.
But Funnyman! They were just innocent little sisters! I've saved each and everyone of them so far! Did I make the wrong moral choice???
You sure made the wrong gameplay choice, killing them gives you more adam. So far I've killed 'em all! >:)
Come on, they're no innocent little girls. At least, last time I checked, little girls don't have big scary yellow eyes and don't walk around sucking blood from the dead with big ass syringes.
But relax, if you save them all you get the good ending (I'm gonna get myself the bad one).
The problem was that I barely beat the game with all of those powers. I doubt I will have any chance in hell to complete the game if I save all of the girls and getting little energy. I don't always do this. This is just for BioShock. In KOTOR, KOTOR 2, and Mass Effect, I chose to be the genuine hero and received good endings.
By the way father, did you want to exchange links? Already added yours to my blog.
A mere oversight dear Funnyman! I'll get to it right away! :)
Oh dear! Nebacha, my moral code makes me want to save those lost souls! And besides, they return to their original cute little girl beings after you've saved them...
If I don't complete it dear Funnyman, it won't be the first game, LOL! There's a long list!
The only gripe I have with this game is the lack of a multiplayer. That is unheard of for a first person shooter.
"The only gripe I have with this game is the lack of a multiplayer. That is unheard of for a first person shooter."
Well...not really. Metroid Prime 1 and 3 are the same and I'm sure there are others, but my FPS knowledge is pretty shitty.
I honestly don't mind if multiplayer is omitted from a game if the single player experience is air tight. Alot of the first person shooters that have no multiplayer are usually the ones with a really immersive, open, adventure style single player mode and not the generic mission / objective get from point a to b, then run to point c style setup.
I haven't played Bioshock. The game looks great, but it's not my thing.
I was alluding to first person shooters on the 360 and PS3 like Resistance, The Darkness, The Orange Box, Halo 3, and Call of Duty 4.
Bioshock is a clear example of a single-player game that leaves no room for any multiplayer mode. Making one would be going against the very concept of the game, that revolves solely about the struggle of a lone man in an unknown and hostile environment.
Besides, despite what we see nowadays, multiplayer should never be an obligation because there games that simply don't need or don't leave room to any kind of multiplayer mode.
Just my 2 cents...
I just think it would be fun to control a Big Daddy in a multiplayer mode and make those little girls scream and bleed to death.
"make those little girls scream and bleed to death"
Sadistic... xD
Yes, it was sadistic. But I am not a sadistic person. To prove my point, I had sex with Ashley countless times when I was playing Mass Effect. You see. Would a sadistic person do that? No, not at all. I simply complied with her request. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for those little girls in BioShock.
" To prove my point, I had sex with Ashley countless times when I was playing Mass Effect. You see. Would a sadistic person do that? No, not at all..."
LOL! You're a good'un Funnyman, generous to a fault...
The sex was consensual. Both Ashley and I mutually agreed that she wanted me to rock her world.
is nice... though I didn't quite get into it y' know...
Played it, smashed it, loved it!
I wish I could have used the little girls as human shields when I fought the Big Daddies. A drill penetrating her face sounds brilliant.
Now you're scaring me... o_O
You get scared very easily.
Ah! Those poor little things! LOL!
BioShock is much more gratifying when you butcher all of those girls.
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