Saturday, October 06, 2007

Latest Download Action On The Wii...

Well the Wii's online features have entranced me. Not the weather or news channel, not the friend code facility, or even the online potential of Mario Charged Strikers Football . It's the easily accessible Retro Treasures on the Virtual Console.

The latest game that has ensnared my credit card is Shinobi 3. The Megadrive original Shinobi was one of my all time favourite games... simplistic, Ninjatastic, 2D-elicious, it's a game that delivers on all levels...

But hey! Let's remember that downloading games comes at a price... the lovely games that I've downloaded have cost me about £21 in total. Now here's the deal... I could have bought about 9 Dreamcast games for that... I could have bought a Megadrive and the two Megadrive games I've downloaded... In fact I could have bought a Dreamcast or a Saturn or even a Gamecube for that...

Am I getting value for money? NO! Whilst it's dead convenient to have them in the main living room on a console that sits under the telly... I'd rather have the original console hooked up to a telly in another room...

Still I had a blast on Shinobi today... I played the game far worse than I played the original 15 years ago, I was crap! I used to be quite adept when the Megadrive was my main console, maybe I need to hone my Retro skills.

Would I reccomend it? Hell yeah! It's a fecking awesome game... But for someone like me who is both overly nostalgic and an impulsive spend-a-holic, the Virtual Console is not necessarily a great thing!


NebachadnezzaR said...

Good time for you to talk about the Wii, for I've played a lot of it yesterday! I went to a friend's party and we had a blast playing Warioware and other stuff.

As for Shinobi III, I played it on Sega MegaDrive collection for the PS2 and it's actually a pretty good game, even as of today. The gameplay is pretty addictive, the graphics are great... It's really solid arcade fun.

Fortunately all the games in that collection have savegame features built in the emulator, which is great. How do you save in the VC?

gnome said...

Excellent post Father and a lovely trip back to the days when Shinobi was a huge franchise. AND you're dead right on the Virtual Console prices. Actually comparing them to Xbox live offerings makes them seem ridiculous... Then again, the Neo Geo games started appearing...

Unknown said...

sigh!!! droooooollllll!


fatherkrishna said...

Elderly, you getting a Wii is as ultimately inevitable as me getting a 360... Its gonna happen... In the meantime please be as enticed by screenshots of Shinobi as I am at the thought of playing Bioshock, Sega Rally Revo, Half Life 2 and the plethora of games available for XBLA...

Unknown said...

entranced.. im positively foaming.... I was this close the other day... (squeezes index finger and thumb together.....)

plus all this drooooling is a health and safety issue next to blogger electronics.....

(stares intently at FK's Wii....)