Wii Sports was the game that I got bundled with the console, and its great for demonstrating its all encompassing 'family'/non-gamer loveliness... Still, it is just that... Like Wii Play its just a game I drag out when I want to show how 'great' the Wii is.... (And BTW I'm not going to review the game I'll leave that to the good folks at IGN in the video above... Suffice to say, tennis and bowling are the ones I enjoy/play the most...)

The Wii was the current gen console I opted for, and yet if I wanted to convince a non-gamer about how great video gaming could be, I'd probably plump for a demonstration of the Dreamcast or the Saturn.
The reasons I opted for the Wii would probably be the initial promo videos, Gnome, J, Junlee and my love for the DS!
It remains the third (or possibly fourth) most played console in my house! The only game that I have battered on the Wii, is a game that I have already enjoyed on the PS2... RE4...
Red Steel rocks, but in no way does it measure up to what it appeared to be when the Wii teasers were posted on the internet...

Now on the other hand, I dipped into the world of the 360 this weekend... I played a demo of Burn Out Revenge for the 360 on my brother-in-law's recently bought console... And it rocked! Graphically gorgeous, heart racingly quick and just a joy to play... the wireless controllers were fully appreciated as well... (why don't all consoles boast these bad boys?)

Oh and BTW... I played the game as a demo, free with a 360 magazine... Why doesn't the Wii have demo games given away with the multitude of Nintendo magazines? We've got N-Gamer, Official Nintendo Magazine and Nintendo Revolution. We've had free posters, DS stickers, sweat bands, badges (buttons) and all manner of free gifts, but no demo discs!!!! WTF is that all about?
Demos for all consoles I've ever played have been free with magazines from Saturn mags, Dreamcast mags, PS1 mags, PS2 mags to the current joy given away with 360 magazines, these things are the best way of enticing you to buy a game....
But for some reason, no Wii demos... I'm actually thinking of staging a Wii 'demo' about the lack of demos! Who's with me? We could start a Revolution! Couldn't Wii?
The 360 is great indeed. I'm a proud owner of one of those beauty's, spent one whole year saving money for it so I could by one at the launch day...then the thought of giving away 420€ (the price tag in Portugal) scared the living shit out of me, so I waited til my birthday (February) to buy one.
Soon after Oblivion was released and that game alone made all the efforts worth it. I've spent more than 100 fucking hours playing it! And I don't even have the expansions (yet).
Anyway, Burnout Revenge is far from being the best the 360 has to offer, so if that impressed you, you should play Oblivion, Gears of War or something like that.
Now that I think of it, would a 360 post be acceptable in the SJY? I have Sonic for the 360, so there's a connection xD
Now about the Wii, well, I don't have one, but I certainly want one! Right now is not a priority for me, but there's already a couple of interesting games, like Zelda or Sonic and the Secret Rings, and in the future there will be Resident Evil and NiGHTS! That game alone should be more than enough reason for every Saturn fan to own a Wii.
I could have played Gears Of War, but my parents had come over to see me, so I could only dip my toe in the water... Therefore a quick blast on something was what I needed!
A 360 post on the SJY? Hell yeah! As long as there is a tenuous link to the Saturn, anything goes! I was thinking of doing some sort of Saturn Franchises That Live Today (VF5, NiGHTS, Sonic & The Secret Rings etc)
but I've never got round to it...
looks like you'll have to move in with your brother in law, got a 360, no problems from day one, but some are reporting very high first console failure rates. But im never happy and wii looks so much fun though thanks to you i've now crossed red steel of my list....
thanks to you i've no tip exed the red steel cross out...
Night 1 Two O Ate am, in the elderly gamers house, elderly is waiting for the tip ex to dry....
Glad to see you're inebrriated as I am! This FKWS is just an excuse for drunken posting! Happy daze! :)
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