Well, guess what, the inevitable has happened... I bought RE4 (Wii Edition) tonight...
I say bought... In fact I traded in Spiderman 3 and Monster 4X4 to secure my most coveted of games... What a fucking rip off! Those two titles would set you back about £80 if you bought them new... and yet for pre-owned trade in they generated £32 (in total) at Game! Wankers!
Still, I've played RE4 Wii a bit and it ROCKS!

Same old, wonderful, RE4, but with nice intuative Wii controls! Marvellous!
You know you're gonna here more about this in the future... watch this space!
Preditacble, ripped off, but certainly happy. Almost envy you...
YES!!! Tell me all about it!!!
I had it in hand this weekend, but I'm already playing the cube version... so I didn't get it.
Hows the controls and aiming..? Better and easier then the analog stick..?
Its just amazing! It feels so right!
I didn't really get the Wii controls until now, (although I was warming to them on Red Steel...)
Obviously they are great on Wii Sports and Wii Play, but they are really just demonstrations of the controller...
RE4 just feels natural and intuitive... But it's RE4... I was laways going to love it!
Umbrella Chronicles will be the real test!
Aha! A must buy then...
I forgot this game was out! *lol* I doubt I'll buy it, but I'll definitely rent it one weekend.
Umbrella chronicles is on rails, so I doubt it'll test much of the Wii's controls.
Secret shotgun in wii edition!
Can you tell where this is at..?
...???? Hard to tell at all.
I cannot tell the difference at all!
Capcom claim to have polished up the graphics but I can't see it. One of the things they've claimed to have done is upgraded from 'letterbox' wide screen to true wide screen.
One reason you must get this Deitrix my old pal is for the Ada Wong unlockable content which you can access on completion of the game.
There's a whole new unlockable mission, unique to Ada, where she has to collect five samples of Las Plagas for Wesker.
Then there's a whole section called separate ways where you get to see what Ada was up to when she disappeared from Leon! Remember the first little bit of the game when you play as Leon? You're just about to get overwhelmed by villagers when the church bell rings and they all fuck off!?
Well that was Ada rining the bell to help him out! Fabulous!
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