My very good friend and esteemed blogging brother The Elderly Gamer, has been kind enough to design this rather wonderful logo for FKWS! I'm rather thrilled with it! See me gloriously bedecked in my priest's robes? With the Wii logo in the background? Genius! It will be forever at the top of the FKWS sidebar! But there's another place you can revel in its glory, and that's in the Essential Links section on The Elderly's most stunning of blogs which you can check out right here...

It is a little known fact that I am a genuine man of the cloth! My official title, (as confirmed on my Boots Card), is the Reverend Simon Early. Fancy joining me in my ecumenical brotherhood? It's easy! You can become a reverend, monk or even a bishop! Over the internet no less, and you can do it right here... You'll even receive a certificate that you can print out and put up on your wall. Hey and don't worry! Your religious duties are zero (although I have performed a baptism once!) Its just a bit of fun really! Hell you could even do your dog if you wanted! Anyway! Enjoy your weekend and blessings on you all!
(smiles and blushes in perfect synchronicity.....)
thank you friend.. erm reverend.. erm Fk....
i shoulda put buttons on the cassock though..
thanks for the mention Fk,
i've been thinking, how many hit points does a bishop get... and do they have any magic ability.... by the way the "here" link after the "boots" link, links to the "boots" link.... erm if you catch my drift....
..a bishop...(considers the benefits of a bishopric)
OK! I think I've tinkered with enough for it to work... I'm now waiting for The Reverend Elderly, The Reverend Gnome etc...
wow.... hmmmmm dunno it doesen't mention Segatta Sanshiro as a bona fide religiont... are you sure!! 20 million ministers.... they hardly need a old person and a wrinkly gnome....
Ah! That's true... But as you can see it gives ALL religions a look in and I reckon we could get the Segata cult a mention if we petition the ULC...
Oh and BTw, I think they DO need an old person and a wrink... HEY! how do you know Gnome is wrinkly?
(thinks....) didn't we learn it at school, bout how we should avoid Gnomes at all costs, and how'd we'd recognise them by the amount of wrinkles they have....
...or was that a fantasy novel i read.....
Piss! Now I have even more digital artist's to compete with...
Excellent design I must admit...
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