Wow! A big thanks to my good friend Deitrix for unearthing this treasure! I can hardly believe how great this is! Recently I bemoaned the fact that whilst I was looking forward to Umbrella Chronicles and enjoying the delights of RE4 Wii edition, the titles needed a light gun peripheral to really enjoy the game... (In fact I think the unfortunate phrase I came up with to illustrate this point was "there's nothing like a smoking light gun to get you hard...").
But this? It's gotta be the most exciting peripheral since the Dreamcast Microphone! Look at its beauty, the sublime design, the way it looks like the Wiimote and Nunchuck were just made for it!
The shot of the couple with the huge TV in the background, made me think of the arcade cabinet of House Of The Dead 4. I'm always looking for an arcade experience at home, and this is surely going to deliver!!
The Resident Evil Gun Survivor series was greeted with a very lukewarm response. I actually loved it! I bought RE:CV Gun Survivor with a Namco G-Con 2 Light Gun after seeing my first clip of Umbrella Chronicles. The excitement it caused on me necessitated the purchase! And its a good game! But Umbrella Chronicles with the Wii Blaster, will eclipse it a thousand times!!!
I even love the name! Wii Blaster! I think games like this are the perfect antidote to the sickly sweet "family play" image that has made the Wii the run away success that it is.
Scarface, Manhunt 2, RE4 and now this... Great stuff! BTW my posting output should increase over the coming weeks as the best feature of my job kicks in... The SIX weeks holidays! (formerly known as the Summer Holidays, the recent British torrential months have taken the concept of summer away...) This means I can play games and tap away at my keyboard without feeling guilty about it!
The Neverending Betrayal at House on the Hill
With the release of the Widow's Walk expansion I and my beloved boardgaming
(also, you know, proper) friends decided to return to *Betrayal at House on
8 years ago
Father, stop buying bstuff mate! Start stealing...
I've not bought this yet, but I will... Maybe I'll make a poor trade to secure it...
But you can garantee that it will be mine... OH YES! IT Will Be mine...
I knew it... Well, it will be mine too! MWahahaha :)
I'm getting 2 of these Wii Blasters! This will be a great family game!!
Nothing closer to family then a little blood!
Oh yes Deitrix! Good thought, although Nintendo/Capcom haven't revealed whether it will be two player co-op yet...
Personally I can't wait!
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