Here is a rather lovely video first posted at the Hunyak by the 'American Dreamcaster' Caleb.

Unless your a more cunning linguist than me, you'll struggle with the detailed description proffered by our Gallic host, but the visual demonstration is more than adequate to understand what the Treamcast consists of. For more about this most lovely console, look here... and here...

The only other Treamcast owner I know is 'Treamcaster' who has started the rather wonderful Dreamcast Inn. Over there, you will see this rather lovely photo of his Treamcast online...

My Treamcast is my most prized video game posession. Like to own one yourself? Look here...
That Treamcast with a fancy-pants screen looks cool! I can't afford one, though, but it's ok, I'm happy with my regular Dreamcast. =D
Yeah, I have to agree with you there Nebacha... the ordinary Dreamcast is good enough, but I figure the rarity and ingenuity makes it a must have posession for me...
Great video and a most promising new DC blog too... Nice. Oh, and Fatherd don't forget to bring the DC when you drop by ;P
how did they fit all the doohickeys in there... issa lovely... surely must win the cute compact compactness award....
Will do Gnome! ;)
I agree dear Elderly, its cute as a button isn't it?
..a button... let me see... (checks button collection....)... I can now concur that indeed yes!! Le Treamcast is as cute as a button... cuter i dare say....
I'd say it's cute like a particularly cute thing.
..cuter than that i think..maybe FK could resolve this dispute....
He is after all a Father figure...
Gnome you know it's wrong to try and influence such a pillar of society and a really really cool person....
Its as cute as a baby fawn's first tooth..
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