Whats it like to live in the Bronx? Compton? Beijing?
What's it like to live on the frontline of modern urban living?
It's shit! I don't live in any of those inner city hell holes, but I do live in A inner city hell hole!
Yep! Today I got home to find my 'castle' violated. The entire backyard was destroyed by thieves that had robbed my next door neighbour... 8ft. of my back yard wall had been destroyed by scummy crackers robbing scrap metal for a quick few quid... I hope they get slow and painful testicular cancer.

Rejoice in where you live! Its not here, and that should be cause for celebration!
sweet jeez.... i'm sorry to hear that FK, it's crap here too, so bad i've got to move... can't afford it, simple peace of mind is all I want.. can't have that with nightly rows, fights. At least here their still playing with knives... 12year olds.. where the hell do they get em.... and where the hell are their parents at 11pm...
Holy crap they steal walls in England too?????
I thought that was just a rural problem in rural places like where I live.
Last time we lost cable service it was because thieves were stealing the wires and melting off the outside to sell the copper for crap...
Ah man. That sucks. Did anything else get destroyed or just the wall?
Sorry to hear of your predicament Elderly, I feel exactly the same.
We'll keep playing the lottery and live in hope...
They were stealing scrap metal Caleb. They were resting it on the wall when it's weight collapsed it. They did rob my back gate however...
It's strange to think about rural crime, I would love to live in the country, but I know from previous conversations that where you live in upstate NY, there are lots of drug/crime problems. It sucks doesn't it. I hate criminals!
...not engineering students obviously... is the gate unique..as in would you recognise it if it went up for sale at a local second hand store?
"Holy crap they steal walls in England too?????"
They steal everything.
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