Thursday, September 06, 2007

Bush Is Another Word For C**t...

"First of all may I apologise for my recent posting/gaming lethargy... for the first time in a long time, real life just got in the way! I've not been playing anything recently, except checking out the odd new Saturn purchases (as flagged up on the Saturn Junkyard) or the odd game of Mario Kart with my youngest son over the wireless DS connection.

I aim to rectify my tardy and slovenly stasis this week, so stay tuned!

In the meantime, take a look at the above documentary if you've got a bit of spare time on your hands. After I got my new PC last year, and was able to access video streaming through my broadband connection, it was the above film that amazed me more than anything that I had watched or read on a monitor before...

Its nothing new, but it is rediculously compelling and confirms all my suspicions about the current US administration and the lengths they will go to in order to force through the New World Order agenda... Keep the Faith FK fires faithful, my blogging powers will shortly return!


gnome said...

Ah, poor Father, no gaming time? That's appalling, yet, I know we'll pull through. Asfor Bush, well, he definitely isn't a c**t. A c**t is beautiful (well, usually, that is). Interesting vid too.

NebachadnezzaR said...

Unfortunately I don't have the time to watch the whole thing. As for Bush, well, he doesn't really care of what we say of him:

fatherkrishna said...

Agreed Gnome in the female "lady garden" sense of the word it is! yet as with many words e.g. tit, tit-head, twat etc. there is another meaning that means "stupid or nasty fecker". at first I postulated that this was a mysoginistic device, yet there are many other words which have a similar connotation that refer to male genitalia... e.g. dick, dickhead, cock, cock sucker, knob, knob head etc...

...having said that, if something is "the dogs bollocks" it's superlative... The same could be said of "the shit", "the shizzle" etc...

I could go on but I doubt anyone is interested... LOL! :)

fatherkrishna said...

Excellent find Nebacha! I've been trying to get it on my desktop all evening!

Unknown said...

well what an impressive way to launch a comeback.. you were missed FK... Seamus had taken to saying a prayer for you every night... me i made copious amounts of tea.. which was never drank.... and Gnome went on retreat to a prison island.... like the money markets or that butterfly in asia.. one flutter has reprecussions.... as for the documentary..

as for bushs and stuff, I get too angry thinking a group of suit wearing yobbos can have such an effect on the rest of us... a recession would be a fitting testament to his domination... cue ...the most hated man in the world....

now time to restock the drinks cabinet... (head off to FK's fridge..)

fatherkrishna said...

Elderly! It was your enduring encouragement and enticement that got me back in the old blogging chair! Thanks to Seamus for his prayers, obviously as healing as the miraculous waters of Lourdes!

Gnome's love was also ever present!
Much thanks and extreme gratitude to my two brothers!!!

Now! What can I get you boys? We've got the lot! Brandy, whisky, gin, tequila? What? Pour them all into a big pint pot? Well, you ask and I'll deliver...

*Hands round steaming alcoholic dynamite to the assembled, whilst deftly placing a tiny cocktail umbrella in each...*

To my brothers! Elderly! Gnome! Nebacha! Cheers!

I'm hoping to post my thoughts on my initial forray into Metroid Prime 2 (Echoes) before Sunday! :):):):):):)

gnome said...

I'll have a tequila and another english slang lesson please...


NebachadnezzaR said...

I'll gladly drink that steaming alcoholic dyn-o-mite!

Unknown said...

.....I swear to god i can taste the umbrella..... but tis a mighty fine cocktail you've prepared... and in my humble opinion.... one of your best mecipes.. becimes.. crepameeseee....?

my upper lips paralysed....