Here's the cover of one I bought in a Head Shop in Canada in 1982, age 15. (I still have it...) Whilst I was initially attracted to the shlock horror visuals on the front( the comic tells the story of serial killer Ed Gein, the original inspiration for Psycho) the comic contained an interview with Bob Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, authors of the epic Illuminatus! trilogy, which in turn 'turned me on' to studying the Illuminati, the politics and work of Timothy Leary and inspired me to try LSD, which I did the same summer (I was tripping at the top of the CN tower in Toronto, but that's another story... LOL!) All these synchronistic events have had a significant ricochet through my life right up to the present day. Weird Trips indeed!
The Neverending Betrayal at House on the Hill
With the release of the Widow's Walk expansion I and my beloved boardgaming
(also, you know, proper) friends decided to return to *Betrayal at House on
8 years ago
and inspired me to try LSD, which I did the same summer (I was tripping at the top of the CN tower in Toronto, but that's another story... LOL!)
Damn father! That would be an epic blog post! lol
When the police entered Geins house they found the following
* Human skulls mounted upon the corner posts of his bed
* Skin fashioned into a lampshade and used to upholster chair seats
* Human skullcaps, apparently in use as soup bowls
* A human heart (it is disputed where the heart was found; deputy reports all claimed that the heart was in a saucepan on the stove, while some crime scene photographers claimed it was in a paper bag)
* Skin from the face of Mary Hogan, a local tavern owner, found in a paper bag
* A window shade pull consisting of human lips
* A vest crafted from the skin of a woman's torso;
* A belt made from several human nipples
* Socks made from human flesh
* A sheath made from human skin
* A box of preserved vulvas that Gein admitted to wearing.
* An array of "shrunken heads"
(ignores the gritty stuff, looks lovingly at the aging comic book cover and smiles shippishly)
Ah, welcome back Father! LSD, eh? What would the younger generation and John Sebastian have to say about such things? Tsk, tsk. BTW, opium is kinda nice too :P
"and inspired me to try LSD, which I did the same summer (I was tripping at the top of the CN tower in Toronto, but that's another story... LOL!)"
You remind me of myself, smoking weed at midnight behind the municipal building with a couple of friends sometime ago, lol...
That comic looks...weird, indeed..
The only ones I got is a Diablo inspired one, and an issue of "body-bags". Nice one, that comic... Oh, and I read a Batman comic sometime ago that Junlee had recommended.
My collection mainly comprises of two comics.
Beano and Sonic the Comic.
I still read them from time to time. Nothing there to influence me to try any LCD however. Well I don't think a Blue Hedgehog counts around the early 90's. For some reason I feel I lived a slightly sheltered life.
"Nothing there to influence me to try any LCD..." I should hope not Koobs. We don't want you glowing in the dark do we?? LOL!
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