If there's still anyone out there that still checks in on this tumbleweed infested ghost town of a site, let me make my apologies. I've hit a zone of blogging impotence. There's many things I could have talked to y'all about , but gaming aint one of them.
I'm currently slogging my way through GTA IV, and don't get me wrong, I'm loving every second of my time in Liberty City, but it's taken me nearly a month to get through 25% of the game. That's not to say I've devoted all my free time to the game... I haven't! I've been listening to music, watching films, reading books- (Stephen King)- and comics... And I've kind of lost the impetus to blog (and even worse, checking on my blogging buddies blogs!)
Take the Saturn Junkyard for example... I created this blog and it's a creation of which I'm very proud. It's had over a 100,000 hits and has become an international phenomena. But I don't even contribute to it any more! It has it's own independent existence due to the very comprehensive team I recruited to post on it... Props to Caleb, Elend, Nebachadnezzar, Arugulaz etc...
I was originally thrilled to be a contributor on the Dreamcast Junkyard, Retro Treasures and Gnome's Gaming On The Go... But I deserve to be sacked from all those sites 'cos I've produced diddly squat for those esteemed places in months!
Basically I'm in a blogging rut my friends. Even posting this admission has been an effort. I guess I've got writers block, if I'm worthy of blessing myself with a condition that should be attributed to writers of a better calibre...
Anyway I'll leave you with the movie trailer for the latest film I just watched and loved because every piece of written prose needs a good picture to illustrate it...
I definitely know what you mean father. I ran into a rut for a while last year when I didn't feel like blogging for shit!
i think you should review and blogf some porn for the masses matey :)
Maybe, BJ, maybe... I've watched enough of the damn stuff over the years! LOL!
Guess we're all on the same boat. It seems like it was ages ago that I've last updated my blog... Well, what can we do about it? Just wait for the will to blog to come back, I guess...
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