After the sour taste left in my mouth after the latter stages of Fallout 3, I needed to revert to a video-gaming comfort zone. That was provided by the most excellent God of War, which I started back in the early part of December, then left hanging for two months.

For those of you familiar with the game, I was at the Pandora's Temple stage, so I still had a lot of the game to play. The game was just the tonic I needed and I soaked up every moment of this epic title. I have also completed GOW:Chains Of Olympus on PSP this year (in hospital), so I'm simmering with anticipation for GOW III on the PS3! I won't go into detail about what I liked about this game,it's nearly five years old, so hardly hot news, suffice to say EVERYTHING is brilliant and it's a truly satisfying gaming experience, better than any current gen game.

Finishing the game unlocks a plethora of hidden gems, including a 'making of' documentary which I watched with interest. What's truly great is being able to watch all of the video sequences in sucession like a mini film. The only problem is "what next?" - I'm thinking of the epic Headhunter on Dreamcast or PS2 (I have both versions...) I'll let you know!
Pandora's Temple was a bitch for me! It took me a while to get through that. But even worse was the part were you had to go up those rotating beams with the blades, or whatever it was. I can't remember exactly, but it was tough.
Awesome game though! So you've played the 2nd one? I can't remember!
Yeah those fucking bladey columns are a bitch! As usual with me, I played the second one first (then Chains of Olympus) then GOW 1.
I've been feeling a lot of PS2 love recently...
Its understandable, the PS2 was a hell of a system! :)
Oh and please check back on my blog for some of those videos that didn't work. I re-uped the christian bale vid and those other ones should work already. I'm not sure why they didn't for you, but I clicked on them after I read your comments and they worked fine. I dunno what the deal is.
I really don't want to go through all that old times indeed! :P
What about some Gears 2, Father?
But if you're really into the PS2 at the moment, I'm thinking of two great hidden gems I don't think you've played yet. Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Must-play titles, check them out :)
We should get koobs in here to recommend Gears of War 2 to father.
Oh wait...
house of the dead overkill is the most fun i have had on the wii for ages..
did u get ill again? no posts for weeks?
Is everything okay my friend?
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