Well, it was somewhat inevitable wasn't it? In a household where COD4 is played online at every hour of the day by gaming ginger-ninja big Mart, I was eventually going to give in and be lured into the world of 'Soap McTavish' and Captain Price...
And after a week of non-gaming in Cyprus, I needed a big dose of videogame fun to satiate my needs... And so it was that Call Of Duty4 was the game I plunged into on my return from the Med's most beautiful of islands.

What can I say? This game is an essential 360 experience! The graphics are stunning, the environments brutally realistic and the gameplay sublime. I've never played a 'war-game' before, but I've loved it!

Of course, there is a certain moral dilemma in deriving pleasure from the horror of war. This is not the same as destroying the Locust Horde in Gears Of War. The game's main antagonists are Eastern Europeans and Arabs. You (of course) represent the 'forces of good' i.e. UK and the US of A. But in real life, their campaigns in the real world, largely impacting on civillians, are less than morally acceptable. Is this Western morality propoganda disguised as gaming?

Still, if you can put your moral high-ground on hold (and I managed to do just that) this game is a great piece of escapism. The ammo and weaponry are abundant and the health gauge forgiving. The auto-save system allows you to progress through the game with ease and I found myself completing all the missions in a few hours. Bonus!!! I love the games I have played on the 360 recently. Bioshock, Gears Of war and COD4:MW are all easily achieveable, not time consuming and represent a realistic proposition in terms of my available gaming window of opportunity. That is, I can play them in the snatches of time avilable to me in the Krishna household.
I've not forgotten the Wii during this time, however. I've been playing Umbrella Chronicles in my down time and I'm in love! I'm stuck on the final boss, but I play it every day in the hopes I can bring the game to it's conclusion! This game is indeed THE best gaming experience I've had since playing Bioshock back in January...

I've also enjoyed a little DS magic by playing Need For Speed Carbon: Own The Streets, Resident Evil DS and my new discovery, Brothers In Arms DS. Handheld gaming never felt so good! Here's some links!
Call Of Duty 4:Modern Warfare
Umbrella Chronicles
Brothers In Arms DS
"I've never played a 'war-game' before, but I've loved it!"
No shit, really? You should try out CoD 2 and 3 then. While a little out-dated when compared to CoD4, they're still fucking awesome games. They're also pretty short, so they won't consume much of your gaming time, and by now you should find them pretty cheap.
Right now I'm so hooked up to Viking that I completely forgot about CoD4, but I'm definitely going to try and finish my 2nd play-trough on veteran difficulty. I've been through hell to reach half of the game on that difficulty, so I'm not stopping now (just for fun, try beating the first level on Elite, just to have an idea of exactly how hard it is :D)
Oh, and Brothers in Arms DS is awesome. In fact, the whole series is awesome, from the original PC and console games to the portable versions (the cellphone game is great!). Can't wait for the release of the next game, Hell's highway!
BioShock was clearly the best from the list that you mentioned about Call 4 and Gears. There are better third person shooters than Gears, and there are better first person shooters than Call 4.
Excellent game indeed... all of the mentioned actually.
I am playing Dark Sector as of now. Since you are a RE4 fan, I insist you check this one out.. It's a blast..!!!
Don't listen to the reviewers either. They think it's bad because it copied Gears and RE4... WTF I say.. what 2 better games to copy...
Nebacha, my friend has COD 2 and 3, so I guess I'll be playing them at some time soon...
Funnyman, don't forget i'm a 360 novice, I'm sure I'll encounter many better games as the year progresses...
*Waves to Deitrix* Hi D!
Yes Ive heard those comments about Dark Sector and it only makes me want to play it more!
Might I advocate Halo 3 to you. I had more fun with that game than Call 4 and BioShock.
Dark Sector is indeed a good game. It is not worth buying but surely a rental. Cover your ears Neba and father. I actually thought Dark Sector was better than Gears. I didn't see any similarities between Dark Sector and Resident Evil 4, so I doubt anyone can make that comparison. Resident Evil 4 is a much better game than Dark Sector, but the glaive is one hell of a weapon. If I remember correctly, Neba seemed to be interested in Dark Sector after he read my review.
Halo 3 eh? Hmmm...
Actually I had heard in the very reputable Games TM magazine that Dark Sector had borrowed rather a lot from RE4...
Might have to play RE4 again when I've finished Blacksite...
I thought Dark Sector was more like Gears than Resident Evil 4. The inability to move and fire simultaneously in Resident Evil 4 made it feel drastically different from Dark Sector.
Oh dear God. Please tell me you didn't mean Blacksite Area 51. I was severely disappointed with that game. I never even finished it because it was atrocious. Do yourself a favor and donate that game to charity.
Yeah, I passed on Blacksite too..
Just rented R6:Vegas2, see how that plays tnite... probably like the first.
Uhm... yeah... I mean Blacksite Area 51...
OK perhaps not the greatest of games, but I'm quite far into it, so I guess I may as well plod on...
*FK scuttles off embarassed...*
I wanted to finish Blacksite Area 51 as well, but that desire was extinguished after that game nearly made me vomit.
Halo 3? Well, yeah, sure, but only after you've played through most other shooters on the 360... :D
But yes, funnyman, I'm indeed interested in Dark Sector. And better than Gears, you say? Well, I think it's a contradiction to say that a game is better than Gears and still not worth buying, but hey, I'll give it a try when I have the chance. :)
Oh, and Father, if you're really into FPS right now you definitely have to buy the Orange Box. It contains Half-Life 2, which is just one of the best FPS of all time, both "expansions" (they're not really expansions, but I couldn't find a proper word) and the uber original and unique Portal! Oh, and Team Fortress 2, but that's just an appetizer compared to the others...
How is it a contradiction?
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