Tuesday, March 20, 2007
KLF-What time is LOVE? (UK)
What time is LOVE? So asked monumental art terrorists, crop circle faking, talking car owning, Illuminati enlightened art terrorists the KLF... AKA The Timelords... AKA The J.A.M.M.s ...AKA The Justified Ancients Of MU MU.
These guys kicked out the jams during the late eighties and early nineties when life for me was one big hedonistic rave! Top times! *FK wipes a nostalgic tear from his eye...*
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Three Of My Favourite Retro Items...

At the time each one was thought of as cutting edge technology, a glimpse of the future if you will. Now they look a little clumsy, a little dated, a little naieve. To me they look beautiful.

One of these has been unearthed from a forgotten cupboard in my parent's house this very evening. At the time of it's purchase and presentation to myself, my elder brother and sister, it was a thing of wonder.
Friends from our street came round just to look at it in action. If they were lucky we'd let them have a go (against on of us of course.)

And here it is... A mid 1970's first generation home video game. The "Videomaster Colourscore", made by the good folks at Videomaster Ltd. 36-44 Tabernacle St. London.
Featuring "football, tennis and squash, for one or two players. 3 bat sizes. Automatic acceleration. Pause facility. Realistic hit sounds. On screen scoring."
Superb really. Still in it's box (although a little battered.) Still with it's instructions (never read).
Still in perfect working order (though never used.) The ancestor of The Saturn, The Dreamcast, the Wii. Wow!

The next is this from the early 1980s. It's the Casio VL Tone. A mini synthesiser requiring four AA batteries. it's claim to fame is it's two signiature tunes. Two bands utilised it's charms. Trio used it's rhythm settings for their Euro-smash "Da, Da, Da". Something of a novelty record at the time, I heard it recently and it sounded really good. Funny how time and nostalgia can enhance something's qualities.

The second (and frankly excellent) tune that utilised the VL-Tone (the Flute option) was the wonderful "Open Your Heart" by The Human League. Their LP "Dare" from which the single came, was overdubbed, twisted and mashed up to become "The League Unlimited Orchestra".

It remains one of the most quintessential sounds of the eighties, a big influence on the retro flavoured "Exceeder" by Mason. Genius. Buy it as soon as you can.
Lastly comes the Nokia 7650.

It's claim to fame is that it was touted as a piece of spyware in the Tombraider movies. And it is my phone of choice to this day. So there you go people. Three pieces of treasure, and mine all mine!

Peace to y'all!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Mason Exceeder Vs Princess Super Star Perfect Superstar
Having already flagged up my love of synthesised music, it's great to see Eighties influenced dance music making a big impression in clubland.
When you combine it with large chested lycra clad aerobic ladies instead of pretentious young men from Sheffield,(see below) you're onto a winner...
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Just Say Yes?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
the human league - being boiled live granada tv 1978
Ever since I can remember I've loved squelchy synthesisers, 303s, 808s, Korgs and Casio VL Tones!
Put them in the hands of bleak blokes from Sheffield with pretensions above their station and your onto a winner. As usual, enjoy! Oh and if by any chance you do visit, leave a comment, so I know someones out there... Cheers!
Friday, March 02, 2007
The Three Stooges
I love Youtube. I think it's simply fabulous that there is so much stuff out there that you can just lift and post!
I'm a sucker for old black and white comedies... Laurel and Hardy, The Marx Brothers and these guys... The Three Stooges! Larry, Curly and Mo! (Me and Curly have a looky-likey thing going on...) Enjoy this bit of silliness! Nyuck, nyuck nyuck!